Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Motivation of achievement and problem solving with linear functions at a university in Surco 

      Rostaing Ccapacca, Gean Pierre; Bernuy Torres, Luis Alexis; Borja Villanueva, César Andrés; Martínez López, Edwin Alberto; Ayllón Blanco, María Fernanda; Gómez Pérez, Isabel Angustias (UNIV PERUANA UNION, 2019)
      Acceso abierto
      The objective of this research study was to determine the relationship between the motivation of achievement and the resolution of problems with linear functions of the students of Foundations of Calculus for the afternoon ...
    • Pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de educación superior: Una revisión sistemática 

      Lopez Ruiz, Carolina del Pilar (Universidad César Vallejo, 2021)
      Acceso abierto
      Il pensiero critico è concettualizzato come i processi, le strategie e le rappresentazioni mentali che gli individui usano per risolvere problemi, prendere decisioni e imparare nuovi concetti. Nell'istruzione superiore, ...