Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Morphometric comparison of Characidae fish when n < p 

      Villegas Rivas, Danny; Milla Pino, Manuel; Rodríguez Beas, Tomas Hope; Lora Loza, Miryam Griselda; Grados Vasquez, Martín; Osorio Carrera, Cesar; Shimabuku Ysla, Ricardo; Chávez Santos, River; Ramírez Calderón, Luis; Velásquez Casana, Ydalia; Ruiz Camacho, Wilfredo; Egocheaga Casas, Hugo; Jima Chamiquit, Clelia; Pacheco Robles, Roberto; Garrido Campaña, Zadith; Delgado Bazan, Erick (International Media and Publishing House, 2020)
      Acceso abierto
      Currently, great importance has been given to the study of external morphology, especially in fish, when it is used as a means of identifying hybrids. This paper considers a LASSO model based on the truss protocol to compare ...