Project-Based Learning as a Method to Develop Soft Skills in Four-Year-Old Infants
Calderon Pita, Mercedes MariaBolaños Rodriguez, Nancy Guadalupe
De La Torre Figueroa, Erika Mariuxi
Viteri Chiriboga, Efren Alejandro
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The study presented focused on analyzing the influence of project-based learning on the development of soft skills in four-year-old infants from an Educational Institution in Guayaquil, considering that based on a previous study it was determined that most children had difficulties in self-regulating their emotions, having a positive vision or showing empathy with their peers. This research considered an applied methodology, with a quantitative approach and quasi-experimental design. The study population consisted of 70 children from the initial education sublevel one, who were divided equally to form the control and experimental group. An observation guide was used as a data collection instrument that was applied as a pre-test and posttest to all participants. The results showed a significant improvement in the experimental group after the application of project-based learning activities.
- Piura [185]