Factoring electrónico y su incidencia en la gestión del área de tesorería de la empresa Supermercados Peruanos S.A. - Lima 2013
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In this thesis document will be the inddence of Electronic Factoñng in the Treasury orea
management company Peruvian Supermarkets SA. (SPSA)- Lima 2D13. The populatíon consiste of
522 praviders working with the SPSA chain across the country. Sampling is not probabüistic and
Intentlonal. Based on exclusión entena to determine the sample worked with 229 suppliers. The
sample of 144 suppliers will be working with the chain. The type of study is descriptiva
correlational, research was uted because two study variables measured. The technique applied in
this research is the survey. The instrument applied in this investigation will be the Llkert
questionnaire. Contení validation will be used, using expert judgment te valídate the data
collection instrumente of the present investigation. To assess the reliability of the research expert
judgment was also usedj also the design used Is not experimental. Data collection procedure
taking inte account the nature of the variables and indiotors. SPSSstatistical software was used in
versión 19 and hypothesls testing for the chi square test was used, through which the recruitment
úf the hypothesis will be performed to determine conclusions.
- Lima Este [1870]